Monthly Formation

Every month, the Alumni team hosts a live 30-minute class covering a topic of interest to our alumni. Join us next month to hear from popular speakers, or check out the recordings below!

Upcoming Live Classes

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Previous Monthly Formations

Travis gives us practical tips on finding and building community. This one is an alumni favorite! 

Anne shares some strategies on how best to honor, encourage and promote parish leaders to truly tranform the volunteer culture of your parish.

Do you want a better understanding of how to run your personal finances? You'll enjoy this class with David Cargill. He speaks about personal finances and how to glorify God with your money.

Lucas gives great insight into what work is really about and how to keep focused on the important parts. 

Money, money, money! Need a little clarity on money then this class is for you. The Teixerias talk about budgets, savings, giving and theology and money.  

At times, we may need to rekindle our appreciation for the miracle God has bestowed upon us in the Eucharist. Join James in reigniting your appreciation!

Mother Star of Evangelization gives us some great thoughts about the Eucharist. 

Are you looking for some tools when you feel that fatigue creeping in? This talk from Kate Johnson is going to give great tools to start tackling that fatigue.
Download the Personal Boundaries Quiz here. 
Download the Summary of Boundaries here.

Dan gives you the basics for building a plan of life. This is a great topic especially if you are in a transition point in your life. 

Are you starting or thinking about graduate school or medical school. You'll love this class with Dr. Andy Beine. He speaks about what it takes to live mission and excellence in while in school. 

Are you new at a parish? Check out this session with Fr. Lee. He speaks about what to expect and how to live mission in the parish. 

Are you looking to live more liturgically in your home? In this session Amber speaks about setting up your own home using the liturgical life of the Church. You can do this in an apartment in a home, with a family, or on your own.
Download the PDF workbook here!